Strategic Consulting, Planning & Implementation
Strategy textbooks, structures and models can be found in abundance, but delivering the right strategy for you and your business is not something gleaned from a book.
We believe that the value of strategising often comes from exposing the insights uncovered along the way. So, we start with a set of questions – going right back to the core elements of your business. For example,
- Why does your business exist?
- How and to whom does it add value and for what purposes?
- How can we quantify the value you add?
- What are your competitors doing and how do they differ from you?
Our focus is on creating value and developing insights into robust commercial models with clear steps and guidance as to how to implement those models. And then we follow up, because:
- We recognise that implementation is about managing change, change is about leading people, and leadership requires followers. Change needs to be managed carefully to avoid leaving a wake of anarchy
- The best strategy in the world is useless unless it is tested, implemented, reviewed and amended in a continuous improvement cycle.